Learn how to "think in React"

You finished going over the React docs. Maybe even completed a course or two. It all makes sense.

But when it comes to actually building things ... you're stuck.
You haven't reached the level of being able to develop something all on your own.

You know the best way to learn is to practice.
But where do you even find projects to build?

There are a lot of resources already available online.
But most projects are either the same boring todo list or huge applications, that take forever to build.

Imagine if you could ...

... practice with small projects, that you can quickly code and build momentum

... pick challenges of increasing difficulty, that are just right for where you are today

... have fun learning React, by building mini apps you can share with your friends

Learn React by building projects

With the "React Practice Membership" you get access to a repository of tens of challenges that you can use to improve your React skills.

Regardless if you're a beginner React developer or a seasoned one, you can pick the right difficulty level.

Topics covered include hooks, working with the DOM, data fetching, CRUD, auth and more.

Get detailed solutions for each challenge, discussing best practices and alternative approaches.

And join the conversation - for each challenge, you can share your own solution and ask clarifying questions in its dedicated comments section.

What others have to say

Hi, I'm Corina and I'll be your guide

I'm a software engineer with more than 15 years of experience. I've worked as a frontend developer for the past 10 years, with the past 7 years focusing mostly on React.

I've always been passionate about programming and I remember when I was in high school we were always practicing math or computer science by doing practice exercises. I would study tens and tens of problems and that made concepts click for me. I became hooked on learning by practice.

This is what led me to build React Practice - a place where developers can become comfortable with React by building small projects. To flex your skills and figure out what areas you're good at and what you still need to improve.

I believe that by coding small challenges, you'll gain the confidence to build things on your own and you'll grow an intuition on how to approach things in React.

Gain the confidence to build things on your own

Learn through active learning, instead of passive consuming.

Tutorials and courses have their role. But to be able to build things, you need to get coding. A lot. You need to use the same concepts and patterns over and over, to build an intuition for the "React way" of doing things.

And you want to get feedback. It's not enough for your app to work. You want to avoid ingraining bad practices.

When you start doing practice exercises, your skills will improve.
You will finally go from "understanding concepts" to "confidently building features".

Here are the stages you'll go through on your React Journey

Stage One - Beginner
You went through the docs or followed a course or tutorial and you're ready to build things. You're looking for small practice projects to solidify React concepts.

Stage Two - Confident Beginner
You have a good grasp of core React concepts, but you're struggling when it comes to structuring your application. How to decide which parts of the UI should become components? Where should you store your state? How to manage the data flow between components?

Stage Three - Intermediate
You can build things, but you're not sure you're following best practices. 
You're looking for example real-world projects you can learn from and are ready to integrate libraries for state management, routing etc. You want to have examples of common features like auth, ..;

Stage Four - Continuous Learner
You've built a few apps by yourself and you're ready to bring your skills to new levels. You're ready to learn new frameworks and tools - dive into testing, Next.js and so on.
You're looking to deepen your understanding of the tricky areas of React - working with intervals, less commonly used hooks and advanced patterns. 

Jumpstart your React journey

All members get access to:

  • Detailed solutions for every exercise on the website
  • New challenges every month
  • Discussions around each challenge
  • Code reviews of sample solutions by other developers, so you can build a sense of what differentiates a good solution from a not so good one

Join "React Practice" today

For less than the price of two coffees a month, you will get a step by step roadmap to becoming a better React developer.

Click "Become a member" below and pick your whether you want a monthly (7$/month) or yearly subscription (50$/year - 40% off!)

Get the React Practice Calendar!

28 days of focused practice of increasing difficulty, going through everything from Fundamentals, Data fetching, Forms and using Intervals in React.

You will also get notified whenever a new challenge is published.