1 min read

Build a restaurant reservation widget

Build a React component that allows users to book a table at a restaurant.
Users should be able to choose the number of persons they want to book for, the date and the time.

Here is the user flow to guide your work:

  • initially, show just a button with the text "Book a table"
  • on click, a dialog opens for the user to choose the date, time and number of persons
  • when the user clicks "Book", he can enter his name and phone number and confirm the reservation;
  • at the end of the flow, since we don't have a backend endpoint to POST the information to, you can just console.log the booking details

For the UI, I recommend Headless UI, which goes very well with Tailwind CSS. But feel free to use whatever you prefer.

Share a link to your solution below!

Things you will learn / practice

  • working with dialogs, popovers, dropdowns
  • working with forms
  • working with dates

Good luck! 🍀

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