1 min read

Build a Github repositories search page with sorting and pagination

Build a Github repositories search page with sorting and pagination

Build a Github Repositories search page, with sorting and pagination.
You can use the Github REST Api /search/repository endpoint to query the data.
The results should be paginated; by default, show 10 repositories per page

Users should be able to:

  • search repositories by name
  • choose how many items to show per page
  • choose what to sort by: best-match, stars, most-updated
  • choose whether to sort ascending or descending

You can use React Query for fetching the data.
If you hit the rate limit, you can work with a mock JSON file of the data in development, or alternatively, setup an API key to increase your rate limit.

The search is inspired by this Github page: https://github.com/search?q=nextjs&type=repositories&s=&o=desc

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