2 min read

Build a notes app with React Query and json server - starting from failing unit tests!

Build a notes app with React Query and json server - starting from failing unit tests!

Build a Google Keep inspired Notes app using React Query for fetching the data and json-server as the backend API.

  • Users can add notes with a title and text content
  • Notes are shown on top of each other, with the latest one on top
  • Users can "pin" notes; pinned notes are always shown on top
  • Users can delete notes by clicking a trash icon next to the note
  • Users can edit notes by clicking them

To allow for a smooth user experience, take note of these points as well:

  • Show a loading indicator when saving a note is in progress (add/edit/delete) - by disabling the form button and changing its label (e.g. "Delete note" -> "Deleting note")
  • Show "toast" messages for success and error

The boilerplate already has the backend server setup and a full test suite to make sure all the requirements are covered.

GitHub - reactpractice-dev/notes-app-react-query
Contribute to reactpractice-dev/notes-app-react-query development by creating an account on GitHub.

Clone the repo and see if you can get the tests to pass!


  • Styling doesn't matter for the purpose of this exercise, so it's ok to keep things very barebones.
  • Recommended libraries: axios for data fetching, react-icons for the icons, react-hot-toast for the "toast" messages
  • When sorting the notes to show the latest one on top, assume the backend always returns them in a chronological order (since we don't have a "created date" to sort by).
  • Use Chrome's Network tab > throtling to delay requests, so you can see the loading messages in development.
  • If you want to learn more about using json-server as a backend API, check out this article that goes over it in detail.

Implementation notes

  • for the note form - add aria-label to the form fields - Title and Content respectively
  • for the notes list - use an ul for the notes (i.e. each note should be wrapped in an li element); use a heading (e.g. h3) for the note title

The unit tests expect a certain component structure, so it helps if you follow it. The boilerplate already contains the empty components.

Good luck!

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